Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Another Drive-by Posting

We went skating tonight because Derek has new skates to break in and there were a couple of little kids who were AMAZING! One looked like he was about five and was a better skater than I'll ever be. It's just weird to me to see kids growing up proficient in things I was only vaguely aware existed at that age.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

I have way too much stuff to do right now - I'm not sure it's humanly possible to get everything done that I should- so blogging will have to suffer. At least my day had a highlight, which is that I don't have to switch offices tomorrow as I had anticipated and so I get to keep my view:
You can't tell in this from this picture, but I can see the ocean between the buildings and therefore have a better view than the lawyers. The little things like that help in life :)

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

April showers bring May flowers, but this year our flowers are being attacked by something. This poor tulip was lying broken in the dirt, so I put it in my bathroom bud vase and it's much happier there.
 Even though our garden isn't at its best right now, friends' gardens are looking good:
This isn't a good picture because it was so sunny, but those little star-shaped flowers are one of my favorites. This was the first time I've seen them in white- they're usually purple, which I love. If I ever need ground cover, I'm planting some purple stars.