Thursday, March 14, 2013

I feel all worldly and happening today. This afternoon I was listening to CBC Radio 2 because that's what I listen to at work since part of the day is classical music, which is good to work to, and the rest of the day they play lots of Canadian music, which I feel like I should be exposed to because I'm in Canada. The DJ did a whole bit on how John Mann from Spirit of the West is very funny and is randomly in the pilot of Battlestar Galactica. He's also married to someone I know from work and is always very nice, so I got to be like "Yay! National radio is talking about someone I know(ish)."

Tonight I worked at an author event for Meg Tilly, whose name I didn't immediately recognize, which made me feel bad because I almost always have at least a vague notion of who an author is if they're getting an event. But she's movie star who's connected to a few famous people in addition to being an author, and she's also a great speaker. Listening to her was lovely, and she was very open to answering all kinds of questions. If you ever get a chance to go see her, I highly recommend it. I also don't feel bad for not knowing who she was before the event, because a friend of hers told me she prefers that to being all famous.

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