Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Old people can be cool

A little while ago we went on a tour of Vancouver because it was advertised as a free community bus tour with stories about the city. Everyone else on the tour was at least a decade older than us. At first I felt silly, but watching all these older people actually talk to each other and introduce themselves to us made me feel like actually young people should be more open and outgoing.

Then a few nights later we went to hear a co-worker's dad's band play at the local Legion. As soon as the set began a group of middle-aged and older people started dancing. They were so unselfconsious and obviously enjoying themselves that it made me think again that maybe my generation has really missed out on something by being so unfriendly.

But then someone pointed out that maybe these guys were like us when they were young and they've just gotten less self-conscious with age. I hope so because otherwise we have a lonely future to look forward to.

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